Works                            Biography

In English, “to fashion” means to make something in the likeness of something else. I take images from fashion magazines to create sculpture resembling articles of clothing, which I then re-photograph. Using non-traditional materials like paper, oil, and staples, I transform, fragment, and reassemble images of idealized faces and bodies used to peddle products, mimetically reproducing them in garment form. This process builds upon the ideas of the Pictures Generation, Ismaïl Bahri, Jean Baudrillard, and Robert Rauschenberg’s Combines, with the principal difference being the reintroduction of a three-dimensional aspect before returning to the two-dimensional picture plane (putting them en abyme). What remains is a copy of a copy, a false copy, a simulacrum: a theoretical fashion object. I call this series “Fashionings.”


  • Slide 1: Fashioning 2,
  • Magazine paper, oil, rivets, safety pins
  • Slide 2:  Fashioning 7, 2021
  • Magazine paper, glue, oil, hangers, zip ties
  • Slide 3: Fashioning 14, 2024
  • Magazine paper, staples, oil, hangers, zip ties
  • Slide 4: In the manner of a cape, 2020
  • Magazine paper, scotch tape